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29June 2020

Tips to create a memorable & strong password

How to create a strong password

Your passwords grant access into your personal information, so you are probably thinking ‘what are the best practices to create a strong password’ to protect your accounts against these cybercriminals. If your passwords were part of a breach, you will want to change them immediately.

These are the common tips to create a strong password which is still useful:
• The longer the password, the better
• Use everything available on your keyboard (numbers, letters, special characters )
• Throw away dictionary words
• Avoid commonly used password patterns
• Use unique passwords
• Avoid common substitutions
• Be careful where you store your passwords
• Always use two-factor authentication
• Change password in every three or six months

Making strong passwords memorable

Remembering a truly random 12-character password that utilizes upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols and then trying to remember many such passwords is impossible unless you have a photographic memory. That’s why far too many people settle for passwords that are weaker and easier to remember than they should. There are some cheats and tricks that can help you create and remember your truly long, random, and secure passwords.

• Create your password from a sentence – Something unique only for you, shouldn’t be too short, easily guessable, nor so long that you forget it.
• Combine two words – Choose two words (best if they only mean something to you) and make a different word by mixing up the letters
• Turn vowels into numbers – This is a trick that everyone, even cybercriminals already know about, but it could work well as an extra to a different password method.
• Remove the vowels – Instead of replacing them with numbers such as in the previous example, we can remove the vowels completely.
• Use The account as a base – Using the same password for various accounts and websites is a terrible idea, but a simple trick could turn your go-to password into one that could work for different account.

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